
Sewage and urban runoff treatment, Brazil

  • Inside ArcelorMittal Tubarão premises there is a lagoon system comprising of 8 lagoons where 5 of the lagoons (numbers 2-6)  are interconnected. This  lagoon system is sometimes used as water reservoir for industrial use, with a water collection system located in Lagoon 6.

  • The area outside the company  is almost fully occupied by housing projects with no proper sewage collection and treatment systems, thus combined sewage and urban runoff contributes to significant Phosphorus loading to Lagoons 2 and 3, adjacent  to this area. As a result these two lagoons are completely eutrified, preventing water use downstream.

  • Two PhosphoReduc filters, having capacity 2,600 gal each were installed in April  2013 with the aim to reduce phosphorus and suspended solids loading to two lagoons.